And so it begins.
Our 30 days of new experiences all in the aid of a very worthy cause has begun in earnest.
This blog, is in fact, a product of the initiative, being the first ever blog I have written and published, and being 'DAY 2's activity.

I should explain for the benefit of anyone who hasn't lived in the Bondi or Sydney media bubble over the last couple of years - '30 Days has September' is a genius idea from three Bondi boys who wanted to raise money for their favourite charity.

They explain the concept on their Facebook page...." ‘30 days have September’ brings the fight against ISBTTS (It Will Still Be There Tomorrow Syndrome), stripping people of the usual DVD’s, dating the couch, the order in takeaway, the same lunch day in day out, the local corner pub. Believe it or not, the old favourites are not going anywhere! Tried and true will not vanish overnight but the fight for a broader track list – a spicier repertoire begins September 1st. 

A 30 day challenge to take the road less travelled, go beyond the menu, push yourself to broaden the palate each day with something different and new. A personal challenge
in which you control and can’t lose. Put it to friends, family, colleagues or even enemies to do the same and in the meantime help raise funds for those that can’t see all the wonder out there waiting to be experienced."


You try to do as many new experiences as you can in the 30 days of September, and in doing so get your friends and family to sponsor you to help raise money for the Noffs Foundation - supporting the homeless, those who have been touched by substance abuse, and those that need a new start.

Yesterday, September 1st 2010 was 'DAY 1' and we launched our '30 Days has September' experience with a bang (or should I say with a HEEEEEEE!!!) as history was made in a living room in Bondi, and our tribute to the great NZ All Blacks Haka was performed.

We obviously dressed in black, and then in our attempt to get into character and look a bit scarier, we added some full on black make-up which has culminated in this weird goth-style Pom version of the Haka.  I also appear to be physically demonstrating the definition of the Aussie term 'un-co' and my grandchildren will probably torment me in future years by playing the clip at family gatherings.

So without further ado, '30 days has september' and pommy productions presents...

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