PHEW.....DAY 14 we get a rest.  Peace and tranquility was the order of the day, and we lined up a session at GOVINDAS for our first ever foray into guided meditation.  Although I have gone to the odd yoga session over the years, I am completely new to mediatation and was keen to get some brain training on.

We were greeted by Tony Kaye, one of the co-founders of Govindas, who has over 35 years of experience in personal meditation techniques, who conducted the 'Mantra Nidra' or lie-down guided meditation.

The 'Lotus Room' was very condusive to relaxation, complete with a water fountain and candles, and a lie-down spot with cushions and blankets.  We were all pretty relieved to be getting a lie-down for this experience after the hectic last two weeks of 30 Days!

The Lotus Room @ Govindas where we had our chill-out meditation experience
 So here we took part in meditation which included deep rest and relaxation, where we listened to our guides voice as he took us through relaxing each body part and visualisations (we thought afterwards this was a bit like hypnosis!). 

This was followed by 'Pranayama' or meditation of the breath, for harmonising and balancing the life airs and energy flows, and then all wrapped up with silent mantra meditation to journey within and experience the beauty of the inner self with musical sacred sounds.

The text on Govinda's website gives you an idea of why you'd try meditation...

Journey within and awaken the beauty of the soul
In this world in which we live our lives are full of so much stress, anxiety and pain.
Fleeting glimpses of happiness  sustain our toil in the meat grinder of  this modern technological age.
But like the will o' the wisp no sooner does happiness appear than it has gone once again.
We seek our pleasures in the fantasies and concoctions of the restless mind; we chase our aspirations, our dreams -only to see them dashed on the rocks of the harsh realities that are our lives.
We long to escape, we take shelter in our illusions and so life goes on and on and on......
Then, in rare moments of stillness, the faint voices of sages call to us from the long distant past -

"Unlock the minds door, meditation is the key,
enter a world within of perfect peace and tranquility.

Experience the bliss of the pure mind and the clarity of crystal clear consciousness
through the vibration of divine transcendental sound."

I was really open to this experience and definitely think there is some merit in having time to completely switch off the mind and focus on the present to manage stress and anxiety and for general well-being.  I have a hard time switching off sometimes (side-effect of cafine addiction and active imagination?)  and I found this session was a great opportunity to regain focus.  I can completely understand why there has been a global increase in meditation.

After the session we were served some spot on veggie food, and the whole experience was only $10!  Bargain!

Not much left of our Veggo feast
Sleepy Maxi after our trip to serenity

Zen Bru

I'll be back for more spirital enlightenment after 30 Days is up, for sure.
Big thanks to Govinda's for having us. 

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