I've always wanted to be a fashion designer...milling about air kissing celebs, drinking champers, having tantrums when the wrong type of fabric turns up- looks pretty easy on Fashion TV?? 

Yeah. Turns out it's a lot harder than it looks!

Mission 1. buy sewing machine, get sewing machine back to house in one piece on a Friday night in Bondi, resist temptation to go out drinking on way back which would have inevitably ended up in leaving sewing machine in pub

Mission 2. find somewhere in Bondi to buy fabric and sewing stuff.  turns out there is a wicked fabric shop called spotlight which I never knew existed. spent hours choosing fabric and patterns I will never use and asking the women behind the counter which fabrics made shit sewing look better.

Shiny new sewing apparatus

Mission 3. work out how to thread the bloody sewing machine.  this took a seriously long time.  started to think that it might have been wise to go for that pint after all.

Mission 4. & new experience of the day... make an item of clothing and wear it. 

New sailor top in honour of impending fishing trip...

Nautical is soooooo hot right now darhlink
I have a new found respect for dress makers and fashion designers - and a new top to wear to bed. 

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