Dr Sketchy's is 'a little Brooklyn event that has  become a movement'.  Founded in 2005 by artist Molly Crabapple, Dr. Sketchy’s combed New York to find the most beautiful burlesque dancers, the most bizarre circus freaks, and the most rippling hunks of man. Then, they let you draw them.  
On DAY 7 it was time to give the Sydney branch of Dr Sketchy's a go. 

So we went along to The Arthouse Hotel on Pitt Street, where we had a treat in store.  This week's Dr Sketchy’s anti-art school featured a performance by Miss Burlesque NSW – Ms Brianna Bluebell, who, just like the website promised; 'dazzled us with her exciting sensual appearance as Nefertiti, the famous Egyptian queen renowned for her beauty. Decadently adorned in jewels and gold, Brianna’s elaborate presentation inspires to create incredible life drawings.' 
Miss Burlesque NSW - Ms Brianna Bluebell

Basically she was HOT!  
Both of the burlesque performers were gorgeous and the outfits (or lack of them!) made them pretty cool still life models to draw, with loads of flowing netting and accessories and beautiful poses.  At the end there was a bit of a burlesque routine involving a couple of buckets of water and sand if you can picture it.  Funny, I don't think I've ever seen so many young blokes queueing for an art class before!
 I haven't picked up a pencil to sketch something for ten years, despite the fact drawing used to be one of my favourite things, so I loved Dr Sketchy's and loved DAY 7 for reintroducing me to the joys of the sketch. 

In between me trying to hold the paper over Bru's eyes, we managed to get some drawing in!... 
I've made her look fat on purpose

Highly recommended cool Tuesday night activity - thanks to Cat P-T for the tip. 
Now where's my capoeira outfit for tomorrow?

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