An early start for Day 16, before the break of dawn in fact.  I have lived in Sydney over 2 years now, and although I've loittered at the beach more times than I can remember, I've never properly experienced the sun rising over Bondi Beach

This morning, as the alarm pierced through my dreams of guitar solos at Wembley at 5.30am, I did think twice about this as a '30 days' activity I will admit.  So did Bru when I woke him up to come with me.

But how good is this though!!!!.....

I can report that watching the sunrise over Bondi beach ROCKS!
Do it!
(and sorry to our favourite waitress at Jo & Willy's Depo for having to deal with the *literally* just rolled out of bed states waiting for her desperate for coffee at 5.50am...)

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