Day 28 was planned as a breakdancing lesson... however that plan changed when this little beauty made it's way across my desk...

Woo hooo! Australia's Next top Model final... here I come!
So my 28th new experience was attending the live TV finale of Australia's Next top Model @ Luna Park in North Sydney, and what a finale it was.

Pretty impressive set - very glam... and great catwalks by the contestants, complete with trapeze artist, the Stafford brothers (aussie DJ duo) and dancers!

The sexy set

If any Foxtel people are reading this and are wondering what to do with those lights now the show has finished, they would look good in our living room, we'd be happy to help you out and take them off your hands... let me know

Bit of a dance routine with some fit dancers

Sarah Murdoch the presenter & the back of one of the judges (fashion photographer Jez Smith)

Amazing trapeze artist making it look easy (I'll be finding out how easy it is tonight at circus school!...)

Hot catwalk outfits

All of the contestants

The final three; Kelsey, Amanda & Sophie
I have to admit... I haven't been watching the show, mainly because I've not been in the house to watch TV for a month with all these experiences!  But my Austereo neighbour Sarah filled me in on all the gossip as we waited for the show to start, thanks Sarah!

I changed my mind about who I wanted to win four times during the show! Initially on first impression, I thought Amanada should win... she was the first one to be interviewed and is stunning in real-life.  Then after watching a lot of the footage and seeing a lot of the photos from the different shoots I changed my mind to Kelsey- she just seems like a bigger personality and her photos looked great.  But she is smaller, and the judges were right, she might struggle internationally when competing with other models - also in real life she doesn't look as impressive as the other girls...

Then when they all came out at the end, I changed my mind again - Sophie looked amazing in that white dress shown in the photo above!! Definitely the best dress out of the three...

I ended up back at Amanda!

Final result about to be announced... building up the tension.....who will it be?...

Then in a crazy twist... it turns out the presenter Sarah Murdoch had announced the wrong winner!

Check out the footage...

I initially thought this was a PR stunt but from the reactions afterwards I now don't think it was!!
Epic final FAIL!!!
Check out the press going crazy the day after...

She didn't do too bad out of it as it turns out - she got a prize anyway to make up for the mistake!

day 28's new experience ... witnessing the most awkward moment in Australian TV history :)
Let's hope I don't need those breakdancing skills anytime soon though...

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