Well the rollercoaster ride that was '30 Days has September' is now finished...I beat my target of $500 and ended up with the grand total of $645 for Ted Noffs!!!  


Big thanks to everyone who sponsored me.  Overall '30 days' raised over $11k!

What have I learnt on the journey?  I've learnt that the 'all the single ladies' dance is a lot harder than it looks.  and women trying to do the Haka pisses a lot of Kiwi's off!  I've learnt how to fish, how to abseil, how to do a back flip off a trapeze, I've learnt that not all sharks are dangerous and how to do skid turns in a rally car.  I've learnt eating dinner in silence can be fun and that Australians do play football.  I've got well into this blogging lark and I'm starting regular guitar lessons next week!

Get involved next year 30 days fans!!

Peace out

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